El vuelo a Buenos Aires..
The sleeping pills dad gave me seemed like the perfect solution for the Buenos Aires long haul flight. So i took them and waited...waited for the uncontrallable power to sleep to hit me. No, it didn't seem to hit. My body perhaps, my brain no. However what did strike me was an uncontrallable urge to be sick in the middle of the night. I shook the people next to me to wake them and then proceeded to run to the toilet. Unfortunately, I didn't make it entirely. When I did reach the loo i simply collapsed on the floor while being sick and pretty much passed out. I awoke to the air hostess asking me 'have you been drinking??'. I was livid. I was alone, having just left my family for 7 months and they presumed i had just been drinking??!
To which i replied, 'no, but i took sleeping pills', seeing as i was only semi conscious, I imagine I slurred my words and she thought i said i was 'on pills'.....
I felt slightly guilty about the sick mess so even offered to clear up the mess and to add insult to injury, a cruel faced air hostess said 'no' without even turning to face me.....erm 'HELLO???!??' 'a little sympathy wouldn't go a miss'....???!?!??
Alas, i was relieved to arrive in Buenos Aires. I was also extremely relieved that my suitcase made it too. However this 'bonheur' was seemingly short lasted. The spanish the taxi driver was blabbing to me could have been oompa loopa language. Eventually I realised that he couldnt take me to the hostel as there were protests. FAN -BLOODY-TASTIC. I am on the streets of a 13 million person city, in the middle of protests, without the foggiest idea where i am with a 30KG suitcase with a distinct sick odour.'BIENVENIDO A BUENOS AIRES'!!!!
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