So it has happened, not only am I not a teenager, I am not even nearly a teenager now. I am twenty two.
The thing which i find somewhat discontenting is when the 1990s kids start achieving things, reading articles about people who have won gold in the Olympics and then reaching the end and seeing their date of birth in smallprint..1992. I usually think, "oh when I am that age I will have done that", well that age is here and I haven't won X factor, I haven't made a million pounds and I haven't even won Wimbledon.
It is like the older you get, the more you feel that you should have achieved.
Sometimes good looking guys are with their families on holiday here and as i recount my 'welcome speech', I take a sneeky look at their age. This along with rolling chairs is such a perk of being a receptionist. 17....a little bit of me dies, 5 years younger than me. Is it even legal for me to think he is good looking?
I guess you could look at it from a different angle though, I am 22 and nothing dramatic has gone wrong yet. I have got all my limbs, haven't had a fight with a wild boar, and haven't been taken to court yet through parking fines.
Anyway, best be off, got rather a lot to do before I am 23 and the TO DO list will have doubtlessly grown. You know the normal: modelling at Paris Fashion week, climbing Everest, cycling across Africa.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was your age I was your manager at caffe nero wilmslow so YEAH you should feel that you've got a few things to achieve till the day you turn 23! ;) hihihihihi
/Lisa swede